On Mon, May 10, 2004 at 10:31:34AM -0600, Joe Moore wrote: > Some of the inaccuracies I recall from the last GFDL debate included the > address of the FSF in the GNU Emacs manual's Invariant sections, if the FSF > moves. ... > While not forbidding additional invariant sections, the only way to > "clarify" inaccuracies in a GFDL invariant section is to add additional > invariant sections, which leads to an unacceptable bloat of A-said B-said > competing invariant sections.
Sure, if the address is no longer valid, the license requires that the new one be listed separately. > But the license forbids distribution of _ANY_ derivative work without the > invariant sections, which under the "fraud" assumption in [C] means that the > entire, useful manual can not be distributed. (Or even just one particular > chapter of the manual that documents the command line switches for the > program.) Yep -- unlike the GPL, it doesn't have a "if part of this license is invalid the rest still applies" clause. -- Raul