On Tue, May 04, 2004 at 04:00:57PM +0200, Arnoud Engelfriet wrote: > MJ Ray wrote: > > On 2004-05-03 19:41:30 +0100 Arnoud Engelfriet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > wrote: > > > > >For example, consider Microsoft licensing its standard libraries > > >under GPL. > > > > People fork them and create competition? > > No, people would be forced to license their work under GPL or > develop alternative standard libraries. And since MS has a > dominant position, that alternative is not commercially feasible. > So it would be the proprietary software people who would object.
yep. that's the point that i am making - _with the additional_ point that many open source licenses are incompatible! e.g. the latest xfree86 license, which is causing every single significant distribution to stop using the latest versions, 4.4.x l.