Don Armstrong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tue, 03 Feb 2004, Roger Leigh wrote:
>> It appears to be a BSD-style licence, with all UCB references
>> removed,
> Yeah, that's pretty much what it is.
>> but I'd just like to check with you that it is DFSG-free since it is
>> a different licence, and IANAL.  In particular, the "no advertising
>> without prior written permission" clause looks restrictive, but
>> appears similar to clause 4 of the BSD licence (could this be seen
>> to conflict with DFSG clauses 5 and/or 6, since it restricts
>> advertisers/advertising?).
> This clause is fine because it's restricting something that already is
> generally restricted by law anyway. [Eg. claiming that someone
> endorses a particular product without their expressed approval.]
> So long as the no advertising clause isn't written in such a way that
> it precludes us from including the copyright clause or inhibits
> functional uses of the code, it's generally ok.

Thanks for clearing that up; I just needed to be certain it was
absolutely OK.


Roger Leigh

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