
Josh Triplett wrote:
> I think the ideal solution would be to change hspell so that it can
> build outside of the OO.o source tree; as far as I know, it is OK to
> have some GPLed and some non-free plugins for the same LGPLed program,
> as long as they are not all distributed together.

The hspell component uses the normal hspell lib (no problem here if
we build from the hspell sourcepkg). But it also uses "private" headers
and libraries from OpenOffice.org. The libraries are in
openoffice.org-bin but the headers not in -dev. We could put all headers
into -dev but I don't think this is a grandious idea wrt size and there
probably is a reason why those headers don't appear in the SDK...

Well, so it could only be built from hspell and not from us, so we can't
"fix that bug" yet easily. Pity..


 .''`.  René Engelhard -- Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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