On Mon, Sep 22, 2003 at 08:47:26AM +0200, Thomas Hood wrote:
> IBM distributes the Linux driver and the binaries in a tarball that
> it says is licensed under the GPL.
>      http://oss.software.ibm.com/acpmodem/
> No source code is provided for the DSP binaries.  (N.B., past
> discussions of this issue have reached the conclusion that such
> software can nevertheless be distributed in main.)

If it's licensed under the GPL, and no source is provided, then it can
not be distributed at all, not even in non-free, unless there never was
source to begin with.  (I assume this isn't the case, as you said "no
source code is provided", not "no source code exists".)

A link to past discussions would be useful, to avoid repeating them.

Glenn Maynard

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