Daniel Isacc Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>         I made a PHP extension for the talkfilters library. It's not a big
> achievement, it's maybe 100-200 lines of code .. I've run into a license
> problem . PHP is under the PHP license and the talkfilters library is
> under the GPL .

http://www.php.net/license/ says:

   Q. Why is PHP 4 not dual-licensed under the GNU General Public License
   (GPL) like PHP 3 was?

   A. GPL enforces many restrictions on what can and cannot be done with
   the licensed code. The PHP developers decided to release PHP under a
   much more loose license (Apache-style), to help PHP become as popular
   as possible.

So it sounds as though there is no licence incompatibility with PHP 3,
and if PHP 4's licence really is looser, like the A suggests, then
presumably there is no licence incompatibility with PHP 4, either.


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