While filing a bug on the non-free essays included with emacs21 (bug #207932), I came across the file etc/termcap.src, which includes the following disquieting text:
# COPYRIGHTS AND OTHER DELUSIONS # # The BSD ancestor of this file had a standard Regents of the University of # California copyright with dates from 1980 to 1993. # # Some information has been merged in from a terminfo file SCO distributes. # It has an obnoxious boilerplate copyright which I'm ignoring because they # took so much of the content from the ancestral BSD versions of this file # and didn't attribute it, thereby violating the BSD Regents' copyright. # # Not that anyone should care. However many valid functions copyrights may # serve, putting one on a termcap/terminfo file with hundreds of anonymous # contributors makes about as much sense as copyrighting a wall-full of # graffiti -- it's legally dubious, ethically bogus, and patently ridiculous. # # This file deliberately has no copyright. It belongs to no one and everyone. # If you claim you own it, you will merely succeed in looking like a fool. # Use it as you like. Use it at your own risk. Copy and redistribute freely. # There are no guarantees anywhere. Svaha! # This cavalier attitude seems rather dangerous. Is this file at all used anymore? Is there any action necessary? Peace, Dylan Thurston