On Tue, 26 Aug 2003, Anthony Towns wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 25, 2003 at 01:26:22AM -0700, Don Armstrong wrote:
>> This phrase read conservatively 
> ...is not the author's intention, as indicated by second hand reports
> of clarifications ("BSD, but can't use the original literally") by
> the copyright holder, and the copyright holder's (lack of) response
> to copious reuse and redistribution.

It would not surprise me that this was the case. If someone could just
point to a first hand report of such a clarification, or someone who
says that they talked to sun and got it clarified, that would satiate
me about this issue. [We still might be wrong, but at least we've
operatead on good faith.]

> As far as L/GPL incompatibility is concerned, you'll note that Sun,
> the copyright holders, specifically offer Linux systems that include
> glibc with GPLed applications, and an LGPLed libc, to their
> customers. See http://wwws.sun.com/software/linux/index.html .

The inability to distribute it alone doesn't bode well for L/GPL
compatibility. I'm not convinced that Sun's offering of glibc systems
really circumvents the issue, but I presume that someone could make
a convincing argument for it.

> If anyone on -legal believes clarifications are necessary or would be
> helpful, please feel free to get them from Sun.

Perhaps upstream knows better about this issue? Surely the FSF got
clarification from their legal team before including this code?

If their (FSF's) legal team believes there is no problem with the code
being under L/GPL (ie, they've made changes to it or got
clarification) then we should be able to ignore the SunRPC license and
just proceed as if it were totally L/GPL. (Heh. I've totally forgotten
what license this part of glibc even has!)

Don Armstrong

"A one-question geek test. If you get the joke, you're a geek: Seen on
a California license plate on a VW Beetle: 'FEATURE'..."
 -- Joshua D. Wachs - Natural Intelligence, Inc.


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