On Mon, Aug 25, 2003 at 02:45:14AM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
> > You can "distribute the end product under the GPL". You cannot remove
> > fsf-funding and distribute the result.
> But that means you can't distribute the end product under the terms of
> the GPL, which include (in part 2) the ability to make modifications
> only taking into account a few random things. Not being able to remove
> the fsf-funding document isn't one of them.
> So only one of your statements above is true.

Which is the whole point; I constructed a test case to demonstrate a
logical flaw in your statement.

Now, translating this back to the sunrpc case:

"But that means you can't distribute the end product under the terms of
the GPL, which include (in part 2) the ability to make modifications
only taking into account a few random things. Not being able to remove
everything but the sunrpc code isn't one of them."

You have, in effect, precisely stated why I do not believe the sunrpc
code to be compatible with the GPL.

[I have a few pages explaining why most of the other points in your
mail were wrong, but I'm skipping them for now as that isn't directly

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