On Tue, Aug 19, 2003 at 09:52:00PM +1200, Adam Warner wrote:
> I wanted you all to be aware how Sarge is treating Documentation and the
> DFSG: <http://people.debian.org/~ajt/sarge_rc_policy.txt>
>    Documentation in main and contrib must be freely distributable,
>    and wherever possible should be under a DFSG-free license. This
>    will likely become a requirement post-sarge.
> What this means is that even though people like myself have argued that
> all software (including its associated documentation) in main and
> contrib should be DFSG-free, the fact that some documentation is not
> DFSG-free should not hold up the release of Sarge.
> If release critical bugs are filed against the DFSG-freeness of
> documentation then it is likely the bug report should be also tagged
> "sarge-ignore" [after explicit authorisation from the release manager,
> note the authorisiation typo in sarge_rc_policy.txt].
> Given the aggressive (and endearingly optimistic) timetable of releasing
> Sarge this December[0!] I support this pragmatic decision.

I challenge the right of any individual to override the social
contract (without even discussion, let alone consensus or the
necessary GR), for any reason.

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
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