On Thu, Aug 14, 2003 at 09:47:00PM +0200, Sergey V. Spiridonov wrote:
> Peter S Galbraith wrote:
> >That's mostly correct.  If only the GFDL did only that.  But it also 
> >forces derived works to "include" the unvariant sections.  Also include
> Of course it is, otherwise one can produce a derived work to exclude 
> invariant section. This would be a hole.

Your argument was founded upon the notion that these statements were
political opinions and therefore did not need to be, and should not,
be modified.

How would this be affected by granting the permission to remove the
irrelevant crap?

[I should point out, again, that we have no real business distributing
political statements, and therefore this falls into the "irrelevant"
category. The DFSG-freeness of things which have no place in Debian is
not really a concern - does it matter that your lunch is not

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