On Thu, Aug 07, 2003 at 04:28:15PM -0400, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
> Wouter Verhelst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Additionally, the FSF
> >is not alone by claiming software isn't the same thing as
> >documentation; international agreements and most countries worldwide
> >make a distincion between how software and other copyrighted stuff is
> >protected by law.
> You're muddling things.  Software != "computer programs".

Well, sue me. s/software/computer programs/g then, for all I care. As
long as you understand what my point was (which is far from a choice of
word), I'm happy.

Wouter Verhelst
Debian GNU/Linux -- http://www.debian.org
Nederlandstalige Linux-documentatie -- http://nl.linux.org
"An expert can usually spot the difference between a fake charge and a
full one, but there are plenty of dead experts." 
  -- National Geographic Channel, in a documentary about large African beasts.

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