On Sat, Aug 02, 2003 at 01:27:29PM +0200, Joerg Wendland wrote:
> Hi fellows,
> I am going to package msession[0], a session data manager that can be
> used for PHP. It has a dependency on a library called phoenix[1], from the
> same author. msession is GPL and phoenix is LGPL. The problem lurks in
> the README file of phoenix:
> "This library is being made available to use under the terms and
>  conditions of the GNU lesser public license, formally known as the
>  Library General Public License or LGPL."
Hmm, the language is slightly unclear due to misprints, but it seems
clear that Mohawk is referring to one of
   LGPL-2   == GNU Library General Public License or
   LGPL-2.1 == GNU Lesser General Public License
so I don't think this is a problem.

> [...]
> "contributions:
>  This library remains the property of Mark L. Woodward. No
>  contributions will be accepted without all rights being transferred.
>  If you make a contribution, it will remain available as part of
>  the public version of this library, but since this library is used
>  as the basis for "for profit" work done by Mohawk Software, it is not
>  possible for a waiver on the GPL status unless the library is completely
>  owned by Mohawk Software."
> Now my understanding is this: you can use the software without
> limitations under the terms of the LGPL. But if you want changes
> included upstream you have to transfer your rights to Mohawk. Do I read
> that correctly and is this a problem with respect to the DFSG?

The FSF itself has the very same policy for contributions to FSF
works under the GPL or LGPL.  If you want a change to e.g. Emacs
to become part of the official GNU Emacs, you have to assign
copyright to the FSF and allow them to relicense under other
licenses as they see fit.  If you distribute your own version of
the library there is no requirement to assign copyright to the
FSF or Mohawk, even if your version ends up being more popular
than the official one.

> Thanks for your help,
>   Joerg

Glad to help out

> [0] http://www.mohawksoft.com/devel/msession.html
> [1] http://www.mohawksoft.com/devel/phoenix-R1_2_030117E.tar.gz
> -- 
> Joerg "joergland" Wendland
> GPG: 51CF8417 FP: 79C0 7671 AFC7 315E 657A  F318 57A3 7FBD 51CF 8417

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