Glenn wrote:

> "GPL", not "GLP".  (I assumed it was a typo before, but you're
> consistently spelling it incorrectly.)

Ya. Sorry for the typo.

> Could you repeat what the "precendent point" is?  I missed it.

Precedent point is we are not aguing about moving it to non-free. This
is already decided and will be done.

Thanks for the rest of explanations, anyway.


Hugo Espuny                 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | GNUPG key:
debian developer            [EMAIL PROTECTED] | pub  1024D/E8074ECF 2002-06-28
For more info, visit | sub  1024g/2953AFAB 2002-06-28
GNUPG key fingerprint:   D324 3DC4 1F2A 0936 DEB9  A4D9 D24A 8237 E807 4ECF

| "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe, huh!                     |
|  Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.                        |
|  I've watched C-beams glittering in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate.  |
|  All those moments will be lost in time, like tears ... in the rain.    |
|  Time to die."                                                          |
|    -- Roy Batty, nexus 6 Tyrrel Corp. replicant, 2019 AC, L.A. --       |

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