On Tue, 11 Feb 2003, +18:05:02 EET (UTC +0200), Lawrence Lessig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pressed some keys:
> On 2/10/03 3:38 PM, "Juhapekka Tolvanen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > But it would be really irritating situation, if somebody creates > > nice software documentation that is meant to be free, and then > > she/he is faced with fact, that Debian refuse to package it in main, > > because he picked some non-free licence from Creative Commons > > licences. So, you'd better warn people. > I would be very interested in resolving whether, e.g., the copyleft CC > license is free. Well, people of debian-legal -mailinglist already found some problems in those three licences that has potential to be or potential to become free licences. http://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2003/debian-legal-200302/threads.html http://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2003/debian-legal-200302/msg00084.html http://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2003/debian-legal-200302/msg00087.html I could not find any mention about source code or source data. Is this acceptable according to those licences?: - Take LaTeX-sources of original document and modify them. Compile it to DVI and PostScript and distribute that modified version only in PostScript-format. - Just like above, but take SGML- or XML-sources of some document. - Take music-module (XM, IT, S3M, MOD etc.) created by some cool demo scene dude (or dudette) and modify it with module tracker software. Convert modified version to WAV-format and encode it to Ogg Vorbis-format. Then distribute modified version only in Ogg Vorbis-format. I prefer Design Science Licence (http://www.dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt), because it explicitly requires distribution in source data format. It has this kind of definition for source data format: ---- Clip here ---- "Source Data" shall mean the origin of the Object Form, being the entire, machine-readable, preferred form of the Work for copying and for human modification (usually the language, encoding or format in which composed or recorded by the Author); plus any accompanying files, scripts or other data necessary for installation, configuration or compilation of the Work. (Examples of "Source Data" include, but are not limited to, the following: if the Work is an image file composed and edited in PNG format, then the original PNG source file is the Source Data; if the Work is an MPEG 1.0 layer 3 digital audio recording made from a WAV format audio file recording of an analog source, then the original WAV file is the Source Data; if the Work was composed as an unformatted plaintext file, then that file is the Source Data; if the Work was composed in LaTeX, the LaTeX file(s) and any image files and/or custom macros necessary for compilation constitute the Source Data.) ---- Clip here ---- -- Juhapekka "naula" Tolvanen * University of Jyväskylä * [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.cc.jyu.fi/~juhtolv/index.html * * "STRAIGHT BUT NOT NARROW!!" "Yksin talon pimeydessä istuu valtaistuimellaan lapsi silmin lasittunein. Itkee sähkön valtamereen." CMX