On Tue, Jul 23, 2002 at 02:49:51PM -0400, Joe Drew wrote:
> A long while ago Adrian Bunk filed bugs such as #65797 saying that MP3
> decoders, in addition to encoders, were patented. Discussion at that
> time went along the lines of "Prove it," and nothing ever happened. No
> mp3 decoder was ever moved to non-free, to the best of my knowledge. 
> Has there been any resolution of this issue? Is it safe to close these
> bugs? 

There most certainly are patents on mp3. I won't comment on enforceability
or relevance. Regardless, the burden of proof is on the violator
of the patents, as they have already been granted.



M. Drew Streib <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Independent Rambler, Software/Standards/Freedom/Law -- http://dtype.org/

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