On 20020214T101613-0800, Don Marti wrote:
> The GPL says you only have to _offer_ them the source.  If they
> want it on physical media you can tell them to bring a floppy to
> office hours; otherwise just put it on a web site.

That's not sufficient according to my reading.  There are exactly
three choices, according to point three:

  1) I give them the source
  2) I give them a written offer, valid for at least three years,
     to give anybody the source
  3) I forward such a written offer I myself received to them.

Number three is not available most of the time.

If you disagree, please give exact references.
Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho, LuK (BSc)    * http://www.iki.fi/gaia/ * [EMAIL 

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