Thomas Bushnell, BSG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > I know for books, the copyright on the collection as a whole (including 
> > cover art, etc) is separate from the copyright on the individual stories.
> > I assume this is similar.
> This is true, and related to the case.  But the copyright on the whole
> must still be compatible with the copyright on each piece, and I don't
> think (but I'm not sure) that the GPL would permit this kind of
> shenanigan.

It does. The GPL doesn't prohibit *distribution* of GPL'ed works
with proprietary software on the same media.  

They can slap whatever license they want on the iso image, but
you obtain it legally you can rip it apart and distribute the
pieces.  This came up before last July concerning some other CD
which I'm not allowed to mention here (See -private archives).


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