Hi, debian-legal list! Some months ago, I have bought a Debian distribution from a German company called LinuxLand. Now I've noticed some strange things about it:
The six official CDs are labelled as suggested by Debian, however, there is a strange third line: Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 r0 >>Potato<< Official i386 Binary-1 (20000814) (C) 2000 LinuxLand International What does that mean? Is it illegal to copy these CDs or what? Another strange thing is the impressum in the manual shipped with the CDs, saying: The content of this work stands under the GNU General Public License (see appendix) and is freely available. All other rights reseved, also those of photo-mechanic reproduction and storing in electronic media. I do not understand that. To me, this notice seems to be a contradiction. How can something be under the GPL while copying is restricted? The book mentioned is a German translation of the Debian GNU/Linux Guide by John Goerzen and Ossama Othman, however, the layout differs completely. It cannot be found online, however the printed version can be ordered at: http://www.linuxland.de/katalog/01_linuxdistri_bs/debian/3_debian22buch/framify Bye, Thomas }:o{#