Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

> a) It can be read as giving additional permissions to the user to
> integrate it into any operating system kernel, GPL or not.
> b) To an observer it might look like it puts additional restrictions on
> the usage. Not that it does, but if you don't understand how the GPL
> licensed software is (not) allowed to be used then one might think so.

I withdraw that claim ("don't understand how the GPL license work"). As
written it might indeed put additional restrictions as it does not make
an distinction for aggregation or other forms of GPL-compatible
distribution methods.

> c) It can be read as an clarification that there are other forms of
> licensing available.
> I think your intention is (c) alone, and neither or (a) or (b). If so
> then the formulation should not touch any of those areas.
> --
> Henrik Nordstrom

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