Raul Miller wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 02, 2000 at 08:38:07AM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
> > Everything was going so well until you hit this point.  In particular, the
> > statement "since [the X license] includes all permissions given in the GPL, 
> > and
> > not . . . stricter conditions, we may conclude that third parties receive 
> > full
> > GPL [license] with respect to the complete sources".
> >
> > First of all, they do not in fact receive a full GPL license; if that were 
> > the
> > case, then they would not be able to make a binary-only distribution of the 
> > X
> > code which is distributed as part of the package, which they can under the X
> > license (which you agreed applies to the X code).
> The license allows everything that the GPL requires.

Which would be what?

> You seem to be overlooking the part where the GPL states that the separately
> licensed software can be distributed under the original license without any
> of the GPLed protections as long it's being distributed by itself.

No, I am not overlooking that.  But isn't it you who seems not to tire of 
me that the provision of Section 2 to which you refer does not apply if you 
distribute the other work together with the GPL'd code?, which Debian does with 
You know, the part of the GPL which says:

    But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole
    which is a work based on the Program, the distribution of the
    whole must be on the terms of this License . . . .

Well, when Debian ships Gnome, which links to X, Debian is distributing those
otherwise separate sections "as part of a whole which is a work based on" 
Gnome, and
hence the GPL applies to it.  Now, we are back at the question of how it 
applies to
it . . .



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