Glenn Maynard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >> etc/{CENSORSHIP,copying.paper,INTERVIEW,LINUX-GNU,THE-GNU-PROJECT,WHY-FREE} > > only "copying.paper" sounds like a license; the rest are simply documents, > which must be DFSG-free to be in Debian. This is not a matter of > controversy, or even significant disagreement; SC2004-003 made this > explicitly clear. Please remove these non-free documents; the grace > period allowed by SC2004-004 expired with the release of sarge.
They are out of the scope of the DFSG. They are neither programs nor documentation: they are speeches and articles which are logically non modifiable without the consent of their author. Whether they are around or not is irrelevant to the freeness of Emacs. -- Jérôme Marant