Scripsit Jon Dowland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Henning Makholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> For the record, I'm withdrawing this draft. I still think it is a
>> reasonable accurate description of the consensus, but I have been
>> convinced that aiming for http://www.d.o/legal/* is not the right way
>> to proceed.

> What do you think the best way to proceed, is? I almost fell out of my
> chair when I read that graphviz might be DFSG... is this possibility
> slipping from us? :(

As for graphviz, the matter is not urgent anymore. It was uploaded
to main even before I wrote the summary draft (but without my knowing
it). It is even in testing/main now.

We'll want IBM or AT&T to fix the license before the consensus changes
to consider the license bugs non-free, though.

Henning Makholm                                 "I can get fat! I can sing!"

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