* MJ Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-07-14 23:52]:
> Posts from [EMAIL PROTECTED] to -legal in February 2004 about "debian-legal
> review of licenses" suggested that "anyone can volunteer to
> summarize a particular discussion, post a summary to -legal to get
> the "ok" and then send it on" and that debian-legal should be "more
> proactive". It also seemed to be your idea that these summaries were
> mainly for forwarding upstream if requested, but I'm not sure that's
> been the main use of them so far.
> Your messages suggested that you'd review "after a few months"
> mainly to see who is summarising, so now seems like a good
> opportunity. Do you have other comments about whether this turned
> out like you imagined?

Sorry for the delay in responding.  I think the situation has improved
but that -legal could do a better job at communicating their ideas to
people who don't have time to follow the list.  For example, I don't
think that many people are aware of
http://www.debian.org/legal/licenses/ and the page is also fairly
incomplete; http://wiki.debian.net/index.cgi?DFSGLicences should
probably be merged into the former or integrated in some way.

Martin Michlmayr

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