Albert, good morning! There is a Debian wiki about ThinkPad computers... But, the X240S isn't listed. You can check here: There is a mailing list about ThinkPad too... You can check here: that can be better for you.
If anyone can help our friend with this specific model, that would be great! :) Best, Yuri Musachio Montezuma da Cruz On Feb 28 2023, at 9:17 am, Anastasios Lisgaras <> wrote: > On 2/28/23 09:51, Albert Cornelius wrote: > > I have a Thinkpad X240s. When I try to install Debian Bullseye, after > > installation the screen remains only black. Is there a way to obtain > > some useful debugging information? I'd really like to get it running. > > Hello Albert, > I am running Debian GNU/Linux 11.6 (bullseye) on ThinkPad P1 Gen 3 with > GNOME 3.38.5 and Wayland without any problems. > But I have enabled the `contrib non-free` repositories of course ( cat > /etc/apt/sources.list ). > > You can try to login using only the TTY - no graphical interface -. > When your system is up and you see just the black screen, try to press : > ctrl-alt-F1 or ctrl-alt-F2 and login with your user. > After that enable the `contrib non-free` repositories and update your > system. Reboot and check again. > > * > * >