Le mer. 10 mars 2021 à 19:20, Ryan Nowakowski <tuba...@fattuba.com> a écrit :
> On Tue, Oct 06, 2020 at 03:06:01PM +0530, Susmita/Rajib wrote: > > My post at the Debian Forums may please be perused here: > > Faster internet access by parallelly using multiple ISPs > > http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=147081#p727593 > > > > There's a software named DISPATCH-PROXY that ostensively helps in such > > opportunity: > > https://github.com/alexkirsz/dispatch-proxy#readme > > > > Has any of my team leaders used this software? > > > > I have a query: > > In debian there are many a nodejs package. If someone using Debian has > > used this software with nodejs package, could i be helped please? > > > > I tried to reach by emailing the developer Dr. Alexandre Kirszenberg, > > but haven't been able to hear from him yet. > > > > Could anyone help please? > > I haven't ever used dispatch-proxy but I've used shorewall[1] on my > router to load-balance among multiple ISPs[2]. The router-side solution > is nice because then any clients behind that router automatically get > the benefit of load balancing. Also, since it's tranparent to the > client, clients don't need to use any special proxy settings. > > The downside is that, by default, shorewall load balances based on route > so the threaded downloader-type client won't necessarily see a boost. > Not that i like opening cans of worms, but tcp multipath is supposed to address that use case ? And it's a CONFIG_MPTCP flag away, apparently. However i stumbled upon https://multipath-quic.org/ just now ! It's incredible !