On Tue, 04 Dec 2018 16:47:26 -0500
Jim Popovitch <j...@k4vqc.com> wrote:

> On Tue, 2018-12-04 at 14:23 -0700, Lou wrote:
> > On 12/4/2018 12:14 PM, Jim Popovitch wrote:  
> > > > 2. One disadvantages of "zero spam" in a BB/mail-list with world
> > > > wide 
> > > > members is the high prospect of false positives.  The
> > > > possibility of 
> > > > penalizing a contributor based on their ISP or neighborhood
> > > > would be 
> > > > counter productive.  
> > > 
> > > Can you cite an example where a legitimate contributor's email was
> > > blocked based on their ISP or neighborhood where 1) the ISP wasn't
> > > voluntarily listed in the PBL, and 2) the "neighborhood" was not a
> > > known
> > > cesspool of spammers?
> > > 
> > > -Jim P.  
> > 
> > Of course not! Members of any list would not see a blocked
> > contributor, and therefor not be in a position to evaluate their
> > legitimacy.  
> So you have no example of anyone other than yourself being blocked,
> correct?

I have been blocked in this way when I was with a previous ISP. Also a
friend who ran a fan-email-list found a number of the fans blocked who
she knew and so learnt about it when talking to them.

I am puzzled by this thread because I have been using Debian for almost
23 years now, and been subscribing to various of these lists all
through that time and have only witnessed a steady decrease in spam on
these lists, with hardly any at all these days. From my point of view;
all those involved in running these lists do a very good job indeed. As
a rather ancient old age pensioner, I greatly appreciate the wonderful
work done by all these volunteers.

I don't know if the debian-laptop list has had more than its fair share
of spam, because I only joined this list this year after a friend gave
me a laptop which proved a little tricky to install any useable
operating system on. I am more used to installing Debian onto
workstations I've built myself out of bits from discarded broken
computers people have given me. It has always been far easier to install
Debian on machines I've built myself.

Helen McCall

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