Thanks Josh, Joel,

I was using Ubuntu,  but I want to start contribute for debian I am trying
to install debian in my laptop.

So, I will use wired connection to install. And it will interest develop a
free driver  for this wireless card? what do you think?

I will see the


El mar., 24 de oct. de 2017 a la(s) 11:42, Josh Blagden <>

> Joel is mostly right. I would just like to make the addendum that many
> wireless cards require non-free firmware blobs, not all of them. Some of
> them have free drivers. If you want an easy way to find wireless cards
> which work either with free drivers or without any drivers, check out the
> FSF's list of "Repects Your Freedom" hardware. For a more direct route, and
> possibly a more up-to-date list, check out Technoetic's wireless cards:
> I personally don't mind non-free drivers, but I know some folks do, which
> is why Debian no longer ships with non-free drivers and it's also the
> raison d'etre for the FSF's "Repects Your Freedom" list.
> Josh
> On 10/24/17 10:29 AM, Joel Brunetti wrote:
> The most common problem with wireless cards is that they require non-free
> firmware blobs. These used to be packaged with the kernel but Debian has
> packaged them separately for the past couple of releases.
> The easiest thing you can do is perform the install using a wired network
> which is much less likely to require non-free firmware. Once the install is
> complete be sure to install the firmware-linux-nonfree package before
> trying to use your wireless network. As the name suggests, it is located in
> the non-free repository which you will need to add to your sources.
> If installing from a wired network is not an option, try the unoffical
> installer which includes the non-free firmware. It can be found here:
> Good luck!
> On 24 October 2017 at 06:41, eamanu15 . <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am trying to install Debian 9 (debian-9.2.1-amd64.netinst.iso) using
>> USB booting method.
>> My laptop is  a Samsung RV420 - Core i5 - 4GB RAM - 640GB HDD
>> The installer detect my two network card (ethernet and wireless). I use
>> the wireless card.
>> I complete the ESSID and password for the wireless network. But (after
>> complete the password) the installer give the error:
>> Attempting to find an available wireless network Failed.
>> What could be the problem?
>> Regard!
>> eamanu
>> --
>> Arias Emmanuel
Arias Emmanuel

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