Am Sonntag, 7. Februar 2016, 00:57:24 CET schrieb Matus UHLAR - fantomas:
I consider two possibilities for my home PC
1. mirror SSD and HDD (I currently have two old 120 HDDs in mirror)

On 07.02.16 11:12, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
I think this can be done with regular rsync or btrfs send/receive.

I think this is much more like running backups to HDD than RAID, so I would
better avoid this...

I probably wouldn´t try to use BTRFS RAID 1 or SoftRAID 1, cause I think the
slower disk will slow down write accesses.

Should not be a problem, especially for someone who runs the solution for
being safe against SSD issues.

Also I am not sure whether the RAID
implementations are aware of disk speed and for example shuffle most of the
reads to the SSD in that case. I bet they aren´t (yet).

This should be AFAIK no problem. You can even speed up the HDD to avoid
reads by marking it write-mostly.

2. using bcache, dm-cache or flashcache (cache HDD on SSD)

If you use bcache with write caching you basically double your risk of data

double? explain, please.

maybe someone could share experience with some of these...

bcache worked in a test more than a year ago I think. But I don´t use it, so…
no idea about long term reliability.

And alternative is also using a hybrid harddisk that uses a little amount of
flash as caching. You have one device and its all transparent. But you have
lots of logic in firmware. Seagate does these, I am not sure whether other
vendors do these meanwhile as well.

hybrid HDD is very nice alternative, and in fact it is what I would
like to "emulate" using either flash cache mechanism mentioned above.
The main difference is that current hybrids only have 8GB of cache, so the
speedup is not that noticeable.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, ;
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