I have never monitored my RAM usage. I have been allocating RAM Size x 2 until now for all my systems. On 04-Feb-2016 9:32 PM, "Matus UHLAR - fantomas" <uh...@fantomas.sk> wrote:
> On 04.02.16 21:12, Jos Collin wrote: > >> How much swap space does 4GB ram ideally requires ? I have been using the >> rule "RAM size x 2" for calculating the size of swap. But as the RAM sizes >> are bigger nowadays, is this a wrong calculation ? >> > > yes. > >> I mean, is it okay if I >> use 1 GB of swap space (or lesser) for a 4gb RAM ? >> > > it highly depends on your usual needs and how much of RAM you use in peaks. > I run without swap on many machines for some years already. > Do you monitor your RAM usage? > > on some servers I use 3GiB, with the only reason for having swap is to > notice system slowdown when it starts swapping. > You can try e.g. enable zswap so kernel will use the 1GB swap even more > effectively. > > Similarly you can reserve some memory for zram block device and swap to it. > > > Another trick is to use swap and mount /tmp on tmpfs (which means, on > virtual memory), although some people discourage this because (some) people > or applications tend to fill /tmp with bloat. > ...you can avoid this problem by limiting tmpfs size > > > -- > Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/ > Warning: I wish NOT to receive e-mail advertising to this address. > Varovanie: na tuto adresu chcem NEDOSTAVAT akukolvek reklamnu postu. > - Have you got anything without Spam in it? > - Well, there's Spam egg sausage and Spam, that's not got much Spam in it. > >