
Disabling i8k module might be the way to go. When I removed the i8k module
the fan went silent. I first waited for the fan to go crazy and then I
removed the module with rmmod. Now I cannot track the speed of the fan and
some programs fail to report cpu temperature. But `sensors` seems to work
(without fan speed). Also I think that the laptop is safe too, I see that
the fan is still blowing air when it needs to.I'll investigate this further.


On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 10:00 PM, Dan <ganc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 8:17 PM, / vt <inspell...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > I am just joining and ... I need some help ; )
> > I am running on a DELL laptop (E6420). I moved to Debian Jessie recently
> > (from Wheezy) and now I am struggling with very annoying problem. The
> > problem is that my cpu fan is out of control. It starts and stops in a
> loop
> > (increases speed, then decreases speed, then increases again in short
> > amounts of time). At some point it becomes quiet but after some time it
> > starts again. I've installed i8kutils and acpitool but this still
> continues
> Maybe the i8k module is not compatible with your laptop. Did you try
> to make sure that the i8k is not loaded?
> Check that the i8k is not loaded with lsmod. In Wheezy I think that
> the pre-loaded modules are found in /etc/modules.
> Probably with Jessie you will have to deactivate the service that
> loads i8k using systemctl, but I do not know how to do that.
> Best,
> Dan

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