Correct me if I'm wrong but you want to run applications using optimus,
right? I have bumblebee on my laptop, I only had to follow the Wiki
You have to add non-free repositories to get the nvidia drivers and
that's it.
Just be careful on kernel upgrade, you may need to reinstall the package.
Probably you also want to include bbswitch as well
https://github.com/Bumblebee-Project/bbswitch is in the repositories.
On 2014-08-19 11:31, merkeda...@vmail.me wrote:
I am on dual-boot debian 7 & ubuntu 14 (updated) with two choices on
my laptop :
Nvidia or Intel.
Optimus technology manage it with the soft "prime" allowing switching
the graphic-card easily.
On ubuntu, it is clear & neat ; i add nvidia settings - it chooses and
download the driver ; then, i restart.
On Debian, it is not clear, not at all.
I wish obtain the same thing on my debian.
What must i do ?
Is someone know a how-to (recent please) ?
Is someone working with optimus ?
Does Debian accept Optimus & Nvidia settings + Prime ?
Very simple with ubuntu, even the french doc is easily readable :
apt://nvidia-331 nvidia-prime mesa-utils.
sudo apt-get install nvidia-331 nvidia-prime mesa-utils
Nota Bene : it works only with proprietary driver
That is one part of my problem.
The second part occurs when i follow a debian tutorial : installing a
proprietary driver : it is not the same that ubuntu' choice !!!
driver 331 -Nvidia settings_ubuntu
driver 340 -Nvidia site_debian
Like every user, we prefer let the assistant do the right choice.
If i choose another driver (maybe better) is there not a risk to crash
my system ?
With the Nvidia assistant, the better driver will be choose without
any risk.
Why have i not on my software the prime soft & nvidia 331 (mesa-utils
is) included in the packages (Optimus on laptop is a modern function
well known) or at least a quick help/explanation ?
I looked for information on several sites but i did not find something
coherent or relevant.
OK, it is maybe not free, not tolerated but i need it : it saves the
life of my battery on debian and allows me playing on line on ubuntu.
Different tutorials are on the web but i do not know which one i must
I would like solve that on debian with the same manner/procedure that
i did on ubuntu.
How to install Optimus_Prime on Debian 7 ?
trouble-shooting help
can i download it whithout any risk ?
Is it unstable or a verified package ppa ?
What must i choose ?
Thank you by advances for your answers.
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