On Fri, May 03, 2013 at 12:41:18PM +0700, Paul Harper wrote:
> On 05/03/2013 03:25 AM, Dan Ritter wrote:
> >On Thu, May 02, 2013 at 04:25:04PM +0700, Paul Harper wrote:
> >>How can I install Debian Wheezy on the Acer C7 Chromebook?
> >>
> >>All the instuctions I find on the internet seem to be for Ubuntu on the C7
> >>or for installing Debian on the ARM Chromebooks.
> >>
> >>I would much prefer Debian on my C7.
> >It's an Intel x86 CPU, so I would try following the instructions for
> >Ubuntu until you can put an image on the SSD, and then put in a Debian
> >image instead.
> >
> >-dsr-
> The Acer C7 is one of the models with a hard drive rather than an SSD.
> http://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/devices/acer-c7-chromebook.html#specs
> I did find this set of instructions but it is for Squeeze and for
> the Samsung Series 5. 
> http://www.chromebook-linux.com/2011/11/how-to-install-gnulinux-debian-603-on.html
> Mr Brock Tice has an excellent page on how to install Wheezy on the
> Chromebook Pixel here:
> http://blog.brocktice.com/2013/03/09/running-debian-wheezy-7-0-on-the-chromebook-pixel/
> But it appears the hardware is too different.
> There is a reference to the Acer C7 in the Linux Kernel 3.9 which
> leads me to believe it should be possible to install.
> http://marcin.juszkiewicz.com.pl/2013/04/30/linux-3-9-and-chromebook-support/
> I am amazed that nobody seems to have installed Wheezy on the Acer
> C7 seeing how cheap it is. Or more likely they have it is not
> documented.
> It would be good to get the method documented on
> http://wiki.debian.org/InstallingDebianOn/Acer
> The Acer C7 is a nice affordable laptop once it has Linux on it.
> For the moment I am running Ubuntu 12.04.

If you send me one I'll work on it and document it.

Otherwise -- why don't you experiment and try it yourself?
debootstrap is well documented.


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