ok, I did it, but it still does not allow me to force it. The only
option available is "Block version". The packages linux-base and
initramfs-tools are already installed and when selected do alowe me to
select "force version" from the package menu. Is this ok?

2012/1/20, Luís Bandarra <lbanda...@gmail.com>:
> Ups... that one was my mistake sorry!! Damn copy+paste+don't look :)
> Choose deb http.......blabla
> On 20-01-2012 18:10, Fernando Gadea wrote:
>> I did as you said, but, do I have to put it like this:
>> debhttp://security.debia.... ....
>> or like this:
>> deb http://security.debia..... ..
>> because when I updated it gave me an error.
>> I am sorry if this is a naive question.
>> Thank you again
>> 2012/1/20, Luís Bandarra<lbanda...@gmail.com>:
>>> On 20-01-2012 17:28, Fernando Gadea wrote:
>>>> The "force version" option is darked, I mean, present but not
>>>> available, even if I am in superuser mode. I tryed Ivanov's idea
>>>> (sorry I did not reply in time, Mr. Ivanov) but the Ralink link is
>>>> dead.
>>>> Should I install a previous version of Debian?
>>> If you select the package it's darken?
>>> Let's try this:
>>> 1. Back up your sources.list
>>> 2. Create a new sources.list with only:
>>> # non free squeeze updates:
>>> debhttp://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/  squeeze main contrib non-free
>>> deb-srchttp://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/  squeeze main contrib non-free
>>> debhttp://security.debian.org/  squeeze/updates main contrib non-free
>>> deb-srchttp://security.debian.org/  squeeze/updates main contrib non-free
>>> # squeeze-updates, previously known as 'volatile'
>>> debhttp://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/  squeeze-updates main
>>> deb-srchttp://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/  squeeze-updates main
>>> 3. In /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ create squeeze-backports.list and write to
>>> it:
>>> # debian backports
>>> debhttp://backports.debian.org/debian-backports  squeeze-backports main
>>> contrib non-free
>>> 4. Run synaptic as root and do reload.
>>> 5. (Hopefully) "Force version" will be available when selected the
>>> packages:
>>> linux-base
>>> initramfs-tools
>>> 6. Select linux-image-2.6.39-bpo.2-amd64
>>> 7. After that choose the firmware-ralink backport (0.33)
>>> Hopeful it will work!
>>> If it doesn't work, or prefer to compile (method sugested by Ivan), the
>>> link
>>> for the module is
>>> http://www.ralinktech.com/en/04_support/support.php?sn=501
>>> and choose the driver you want. It ask for registration after that.
>>>> 2012/1/20, Luís Bandarra<lbanda...@gmail.com>:
>>>>> On 20-01-2012 17:00, Fernando Gadea wrote:
>>>>>> Something is wrong: Packages could not be marked for installation.
>>>>>> Linux-image-2.6.39-bpo.2-amd64:
>>>>>> depends on linux-base (>=3~) but it is going to install
>>>>>> 2.6.32-39squeeze1
>>>>>> Recomends: firmware-linux-free but it will not be installed.
>>>>>> Breaks: initramfs-tools (<0.99~) but it is going to be installed
>>>>>> 0.98.8
>>>>> Using synaptic, you need to "Force version" on the packages: linux-base
>>>>> and
>>>>> initramfs-tools and them select linux-image-2.6.39-bpo.2-amd64
>>>>> After that, you should select firmare-ralink from backport.
>>>>> If after that it doesn't work try the method sugestted by Ivan T.
>>>>> Ivanov:
>>>>> "Try instruction described here:
>>>>> http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=11206409&postcount=82
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Ivan
>>>>> "
>>>>>> I wait for your answer,
>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>> ps: if I have to make a clean install I would do it, I mean, if that
>>>>>> solves a possible broken system.
>>>>>> 2012/1/20, Fernando Gadea<fga...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>> In the Terminal I couldn't do it. I will try in Synaptics.
>>>>>>> Ok, I'll remember that, thenk you.
>>>>>>> I'll be back in some minutes
>>>>>>> Thank you a lot everyone
>>>>>>> 2012/1/20, Zuper Koleoptera<zuperkoleopt...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>> Try it from synaptics but you have to remove the double entry in
>>>>>>>> /etc/apt/source.list any way.
>>>>>>>> Remeber if anything goes wrong, with the new kernel hope not, you
>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>> alwasy boot with the previous one from grub...
>>>>>>>> On 1/20/12, Fernando Gadea<fga...@gmail.com>    wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I think I found it in Synaptics, but it's name is slightly
>>>>>>>>> different:
>>>>>>>>> it says "linux 2.6.39-bpo.2-amd64". If that's it I'll go for it.
>>>>>>>>> Just
>>>>>>>>> tell me, please
>>>>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>>>>> 2012/1/20, Zuper Koleoptera<zuperkoleopt...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>> If that doesnt work, you can try the same for the kernel through
>>>>>>>>>> synaptics..
>>>>>>>>>> Just search for :
>>>>>>>>>> linux-image-2.6.39-bpo.2-686-pae
>>>>>>>>>> install it and reboot...
>>>>>>>>>> Good luck
>>>>>>>>>> On 1/20/12, Luís Bandarra<lbanda...@gmail.com>    wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On 20-01-2012 16:09, Fernando Gadea wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I use Synaptics the most, to tell the true. As I am not a power
>>>>>>>>>>>> user
>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm affraid I can mix things up if I try something in the
>>>>>>>>>>>> terminal
>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>> myself. So yes, I am doing what you tell and learning (and I am
>>>>>>>>>>>> reading the linux command line book, but slowly).
>>>>>>>>>>> In Synaptic go to: Package->Force Version {I use in pt_PT:
>>>>>>>>>>> "Pacote->Forçar
>>>>>>>>>>> Versão"} and choose the one in backports, and try the rest with
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> packages: firmware-ralink and wireless-tools
>>>>>>>>>>>> This txt file shows that ralink is installed. Notice I had a
>>>>>>>>>>>> problem
>>>>>>>>>>>> updating the backport packages the first try, but after it
>>>>>>>>>>>> worked,
>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>> it seems to...
>>>>>>>>>>>> Fernando
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2012/1/20, Zuper Koleoptera<zuperkoleopt...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well there might be some conflict with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ign http://apt.puredata.info squeeze/main amd64 Packages
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Err http://apt.puredata.info squeeze/main amd64 Packages
>>>>>>>>>>>>> try to comment out that repo in the /etc/apt/sources.list file.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Open up the file in an editor and put # infront of the line.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Then
>>>>>>>>>>>>> aptitude update
>>>>>>>>>>>>> aptitude install firmware-ralink wireless-tools
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just a question did you use always aptitude or just now because
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> example. If not try with apt-get. It is a bout the same only it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> treats
>>>>>>>>>>>>> dependancies a different way.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Instead of aptitude update&     install try:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> apt-get update
>>>>>>>>>>>>> apt-get install firmware-ralink wireless-tools
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Again only if you did not use aptitude in the past.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 1/20/12, Fernando Gadea<fga...@gmail.com>     wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here it is the terminal output in txt
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please don't look at the puredata server problem. it seems
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is no extended version for 64 bit.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When I give it the order to install the ralink firmware it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tells
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> me
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that it won't be installed, updated or deleted any package.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well, please, see it for yourself in the file.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you again
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2012/1/20, Zuper Koleoptera<zuperkoleopt...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well not sure, most probably the ralink firmware is the one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> missing, try follow the steps for squeeze and report where
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> get
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stuck..
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 1/20/12, Fernando Gadea<fga...@gmail.com>     wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry, I missed the lsusb file.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2012/1/20, Fernando Gadea<fga...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes I can Zuper: here it goes the lsusb in a txt file, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> go
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your link now!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ps: thank you, and the list, for all for this help!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fernando
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2012/1/20, Zuper Koleoptera<zuperkoleopt...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Fernando,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As it seems formt he output, last line, you have an wifi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adapter
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> based
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on Ralink chipset. Still though the output is a bit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> strange
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cause
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doesn not list a clear model.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You can please do the same with lsusb?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Open terminal and put:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lsusb
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> copy/paste result in a text file and attach it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In the meantime it would be also helpfull is you go here
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://wiki.debian.org/rt2860sta
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and start reading the squeeze part of the tutorial. Try to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> follow
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> step
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by step and report where you get stuck.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 1/20/12, Fernando Gadea<fga...@gmail.com>     wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No problem, here it is in txt file
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fernando
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2012/1/20, Zuper Koleoptera<zuperkoleopt...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well sorry that was my mistake, I am at work and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> currently
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cannot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> open
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .odt files..You can save it as .doc for MSOffice and I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> able
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> open it...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 1/20/12, Fernando Gadea<fga...@gmail.com>     wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for your answer!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> here it goes the lspci atachment.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you again
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2012/1/20, Zuper Koleoptera<zuperkoleopt...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Fernando,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you need to enable your wireless interface we need
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> know
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more on your addpter,lets try the lspci command.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Open a terminal and type:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lspci
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> paste output in a file and attach it in you next
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> message.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 1/20/12, Fernando Gadea<fga...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm almost desperate...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my machine is with debian 6.0.3 with gnome 2.30.3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kernel 2.6.32-5-amd64
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here is the specification chart of hardware and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drivers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> w7:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c02698960&tmp_task=prodinfoCategory&cc=mx&dlc=es&lc=es&product=5057770
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softwareCategory?os=4063&lc=es&cc=mx&dlc=es&sw_lang=&product=5057770#N262
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've already looked for free drivers in Synaptic and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> installed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that seamed related with no luck.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is my first time with Debian (I come from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Puredyne,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> am
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a power user).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The first install in this new machine was Ubuntu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Studio,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wifi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> working. Nevertheless I wanted to try Debian since
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ago.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I searched the list for info about this machine and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seems
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> am
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the only with this hardware..
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please, help!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you all for any tip,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fernando Gadea
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fernando Gadea
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fernando Gadea
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fernando Gadea
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fernando Gadea
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fernando Gadea
>>>>>>>>>>> --
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>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Fernando Gadea
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Fernando Gadea

Fernando Gadea

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