Most Venerable, Sir Greetings from Remedy Welfare and Development Organization Pakistan I feel pleasure to introduce the “Remedy Welfare and Development Organization” abbreviated (RWDO) non-government and non-profitable organization, registered under the societies act 1860 by the government of Pakistan. RWDO is formed by the likeminded, sympathetic, devoted and educated group of Man/women who belongs to Christian community, and being Christian minority never treated as an equal citizen of Pakistan. Pakistan is a Muslim country where 98% people are Muslims; we Christian are less then 2% of the total majority. Christian especially the children and youth are very much frustrated and disappointed because we Christians are never treated as an equal citizen of Pakistan. Our Christian children and youth don’t get opportunity to learn about our Christian faith. Most of the Christian lose their Christian faith and become Muslim, because many Muslim fundamental religious organizations day and night busy in preaching the Muslim faith. These fundamental Muslims say that the only true religion of the world is Islam and all non-Muslim will go to hell. They invite all non Muslims to accept Islam and become Muslims. Many Christian accepted Islam and became Muslims because these Christian were not strong in their Christian faith. As recently in the District Qasur 6 Christian families including children, total 23 Christian persons became Muslim. Due to this worst condition of Christian we are very much committed and dedicated to work for the growth of the Christian faith. We want to give education about Christian religion to the children and youth to make them stronger in the Christian faith. To make our dream true we need your financial assistance. Looking forward to your reply, Best regards, Sincerely, Raheel P Mall President Remedy Welfare and Development Organization Pakistan Shah Public School near Khuja Faridh Hospital Virahi Chowk, Multan P O Box 608 Punjab, Pakista Mob +92-3007372726