Hi, First of all, apologies if this turns out to be a common question; I've done a bit of searching on the Internet in the past several months, and I didn't come across something that could really address my problem, but it is very, very much possible that I've missed something obvious.
I'm writing this on an HP 6735b laptop that, for the past several months has been freezing each and every time I either plug or unplug the power cord. It also freezes if I leave it for more than twenty or thirty or so minutes *in a text console* - that started happening after I switched to KMS for the ATI Radeon card; it used to freeze in X, too, but at some point it just stopped - now I only leave it in X when I walk away from it for a while. Still, the plug/unplug problem has been constant for the last several months - utterly reproducible, each and every time, always in Debian, never in Windows 7. Unfortunately, I cannot give you an exact date for when it started - I guess the first couple of times I thought this was something intermittent or something accidental, and by the time I realized it was constant, I'd lost track of time. I've put the dmesg output from my laptop at http://things.ringlet.net/roam/misc/straylight/dmesg.txt.gz and the "dpkg -l" output at http://things.ringlet.net/roam/misc/straylight/dpkg.txt.gz If there is anything else I could provide - config files, logfiles, command output - just ask. Thanks in advance for your time! G'luck, Peter -- Peter Pentchev r...@space.bg r...@ringlet.net r...@freebsd.org PGP key: http://people.FreeBSD.org/~roam/roam.key.asc Key fingerprint FDBA FD79 C26F 3C51 C95E DF9E ED18 B68D 1619 4553 This would easier understand fewer had omitted.
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