> To: debian-laptop@lists.debian.org
> From: hvw59...@care2.com
> Subject: hotkeys acer aspire 3613
> Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2010 11:18:26 -0500
> Hi,
> I inherited a 5 year old acer aspire 3613 and installed lenny on it with 
> the debian installer.
> That installs gnome as the default desktop. Found the wireless broadband 
> w/o problem.
> Al the hotkeys seem to work. Fn+sound up/down Fn+brightness up/down 
> Fn+F4 sleep Fn+F8 mute.
> Also the 4 special keys: mail internet e and P.
> I would like to change mail and internet that now bring up evolution and 
> web browser 2.22.3. How does one do that? Where are thos functions defined?
> Hugo

Hi Hugo,

Assuming you mean you want different default applications please see the 
following link:


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