Florian Marienfeld wrote:
> - battery charge is at e.g. 70%
> - I plug in the ac connector
> - $(acpi -a) says "on-line", but battery goes down
> - after 1:15 hours, at 2% charge, recharging starts
> - after 2:00 hours it gets to 100%

Let me guess.  My ThinkPad doesn't behave this way wen booted Debian.
But a ThinkPad with MS and the IBM battery driver will enabled a
configuration that allows you to set charge thresholds.  The ThinkPad
when running MS it can behave as you describe if the charging
thresholds are set that way.

So...  As a guess maybe you have booted MS-Windows previously and
maybe the thresholds were set there.  If you have it available perhaps
boot into MS and use the interface there to check the charge settings
and perhaps adjust them?  Perhaps on your machine those settings
control the charge behavior even when booting Debian?


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