"J.Keßler" wrote:
> well the system is currently up to date (I always use the command line
> stuff).  So it looks like some gnome setting or version mis-match.
> The system update also runs without any problems.

Oh!  My mistake.  I saw gnome-volume-manager and read in my mind
gnome-update-manager!  Of course that is completely different and my
response wasn't even close.  Sorry!

> But since there is no error, nor in /var/log/syslog or
> /var/log/messages or even dmesg I'm kinda lost where to look.

Since it is an X Windows program you might look in your
$HOME/.xsession-errors file for any output that it might generate.

I would browse the bug database to see if there are similar bugs filed
and what discussion might have occurred around them.


If nothing turns up after all of that then you might write to the
package maintainers for additional assistance in debugging.  A generic
address supported by Debian for reaching the maintainers is of the
form PACKAGENAME @ packages.debian.org.  Or in this particular case
gnome-volume-mana...@packages.debian.org should reach the package


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