Debian 5 Stable.
System installed from KDE CD ISO. Graphic logon screen is stopeed by

# sysv-rc-conf kdm off

So the system initially boot into plain text console.
WiFi interface is eth1. According to # ifconfig it is up after boot.

# iwconfig eth1 ESSID [essid name] key s:[WPAkey] mode Managed

is working, eth1 connect with ESSID, but there is no IP assigned
according to # ifconfig and no Access Point visible in # iwconfig
output. So, next I am trying to obtain the IP manually:

$ dhclient eth1 -s

But no success. After few medium-long tryings (DHCPDISCOVER?) it is
falling to sleep.
Under KDE with KNetworkManager everything works fine, I just need to
provide a pass to open a KWallet.

Please, how to establish a connection manually right in text console?

С Уважением,
Марк Гольдштейн

Sincerely Yours'
Mark Goldshtein

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