On Monday 22 September 2008 13:41:38 Clifford W. Hansen wrote:
> On Friday 19 September 2008 09:56:11 Clifford W. Hansen wrote:
> > On Friday 19 September 2008 09:38:04 Stephan Peijnik wrote:
> > > On Fri, 2008-09-19 at 08:59 +0200, Clifford W. Hansen wrote:
> > > > I would like to find out from the list what they use on there laptops
> > > > for virtulization.
> > > >
> > > > I'm needing to run a vm on my laptop for using as a development
> > > > server, and I need it to be able to access the network my wifi card
> > > > is attached to.
> > > >
> > > > I have scoured the interweb and havn't found what I'm looking for
> > > > (other then vmware which has some issues)
> > > >
> > > > I would prefer to run the latest etch-n-half kernel, possibly even
> > > > lenny although I don't have lenny yet.
> > >
> > > Personally I am using VirtualBox OSE for exact the reason you would
> > > like virtualization.
> > >
> > > After a quick check virtualbox-ose is either available within Lenny
> > > (including the kernel module) or via etch-backports where you need to
> > > build the kernel module yourself though.
> > >
> > > For a list of packages available in Debian check
> > > http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=virtualbox-ose.
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > >
> > > Stephan
> >
> > Stephan,
> >
> > I was using VirtualBox for a while, but could never get the bridged mode
> > working due to my laptop connecting via wifi, but then again no one else
> > needs to access my dev box anymore. Well DHCP wasn't working.
> >
> > Will give it a bash again, thank you...
> Just for future reference / anyone who is interested I got the following
> working.
> And it almost does exactly what I need, well it's good enough for now:
> <vbox-networking.sh>
> #!/bin/bash
> LAN="eth1"
> DHCP_SERVER="xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"
> case "${1}" in
>         "start" )
>                 TAP=$(VBoxTunctl -b -u clifford)
>                 echo ${TAP} > /var/run/vbox.tap
>                 sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 >> /dev/null
>                 ip link set ${TAP} up
>                 ip addr add xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/xx dev ${TAP}
>                 parprouted ${LAN} ${TAP}
>                 iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ${LAN} -j MASQUERADE
>                 dhcrelay3 -q -i ${LAN} -i ${TAP} ${DHCP_SERVER}
>                 echo ${TAP}
>                 ;;
>         "stop" )
>                 TAP=${3}
>                 kill -9 $(ps -elf | grep ${TAP} | grep -v grep | awk
> '{print $4}' | grep -v $$)
>                 ifconfig ${TAP} down
>                 VBoxTunctl -d ${TAP} >> /dev/null
>                 sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=0 >> /dev/null
>                 ;;
> esac
> </vbox-networking.sh>
> This can then be used by VirtualBox as the network script (Network --> Host
> interface settings --> Setup/Terminate)
> I just run these as "sudo /path/to/vbox-networking.sh start" and it does
> the rest.
> Unfortunately due to using parprouted it seems like it's not accessable
> from the lan, but I'm working on this... The solutions possibly has
> something to do with a bridge...

I thought about replying to you when you first posted, but I didn't know how 
to respond to bridging over wifi.  The debian wiki has some pretty good info 
on setting up a bridge for virtualbox.  A few weeks ago, I updated the 
example script that brings the interface up and down, and added a snippet of 
my sudoers file that lets you run the particular commands without using a 
password.  On my system, all the tap interfaces are named vbox_{$vboxname}, 
and everything seems to be working just fine.

Here's the page: http://wiki.debian.org/VirtualBox

I didn't like adding the tap interfaces to /etc/vbox/interfaces, and I think 
that the solution on the wiki page is much better than having to list static 
interfaces there.

Btw, I've never heard of parprouted before.  I just looked up the package and 
it seems interesting.  I might play with this later.

Using an ethernet bridge can be painful on a laptop sometimes, like when 
there's no dhcp server on the network, and you have to give the br0 a static 
address.  That makes it much more difficult when the VM's are also expecting 
to get their network info from dhcp.  There are also problems when there is a 
dhcp server, but there's no dns updates for the hostnames.  This can get to 
be annoying when you're using many VM's.

Joseph Rawson

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