2008/9/4 Tony Godshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> My Dell (an old insprion 8600) runs 1920x1200.
> A nice surprise on Ubuntu 7.04 and later was that it
> Just Worked.  I didn't have to tweak the /etc/X11
> configs at all!

Configuring this screen is a pain in Debian, with no two installs
working in quite the same manner. Like you, it started Just Working in
7.04, and I even had Beryl on that version!

> Same with my old Sony Vaio PCG-8C3L aka
> PCG-GRX560.  1600x1200.  That is, until the
> display started to go (these days is is crisp in
> text mode but goes nasty left-right flickery.
> Anyhow, yes, I've been able to get video out through
> the VGA connector at whatever resolution the
> monitor would support (never tried past WUXGA)
> over the years

With a standard Debian / Ubuntu install? Or with some tweaking?

> Too bad you think the 15.4 display is too tiny-
> I used 1600x1200 15.4" for quite a few years
> as my primary display because it beat the pants
> off the dual 1600x1200 21" tube displays my
> employer provided.  Personally, my pet peeve
> is vendors who keep increasing the size of
> screens without increasing the number of pixels.

My problem is eyesight- I'm only thirty, but I now have a hard time
with this little screen. I remember when 640x480 14" was huge! Of
course, at that time I was holding one of the meta keys while flipping
the power switch, to boot into the 'older' version of the OS. Can you
guess which OS that was by the description?

Dotan Cohen



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