On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 09:12:06AM -0500, Preston Boyington wrote:
> Chris Bannister wrote:
> <snipped>
>> Where are your bottlenecks?
> currently my two biggest bottlenecks are with the networking and the  
> MTA.  i installed "ifplugd" and set a faster timeout for the network and  
> that has helped.  i don't really "need" a MTA for my laptop and will be  
> looking for some alternative.  have thought about just removing Exim and  
> dealing with whatever dependency issues arise.  i can always just look  
> at the log files for info if i need to.
I think that is a DNS lookup issue.

>> I altered the link from /bin/sh to point to /bin/dash instead of
>> /bin/bash but I'm not sure if I got a big improvement. It seems
>> reasonably fast though. :-)
> i have been using zsh recently and it has worked pretty well so far.

No, the shell *you* use is determined by the line in /etc/passwd. What I
meant was the shell used to execute the initscripts.

What does:

        # ls -al /bin/sh


If it comes back as pointing to /bin/bash then try pointing /bin/sh to
/bin/dash and see if there is any improvement.


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