To enable the fan control scrip, I have installed the tp-fancontrol and 
tp-fancontrol-init.debian scripts to /usr/bin and /etc/init.d/ respectively, 
and made both scripts executable. I have added "options ibm_acpi 
experimental=1" to /etc/modules.conf. I added "ibm_acpi" to /etc/modules. When 
I run "tp-fancontrol -d" as root the fan noticeably speeds up, thus confirming 
the script is working.

The only problem is that networking--wired or wireless--no longer works. I 
cannot account for this, as the two would seem to be unrelated. The only other 
action I have taken ist to install the "sensors-applet" package to monitor the 
temperature. The package seems to have errors, for while it worked fine 
initially after installation, two sensors appeared side-by-side in the Gnome 
panel after a reboot. After removing the package and rebooting networking still 
does not work.

I ran "iwlist eth0 scan" but am getting the error "Failed to read scan data: 
Resource temporarily unavailable." I cannot ascertain the chipset but a Google 
search for my model (ThinkPad T30) suggests that it's a Intersil Corporation 
Prism 2.5 Wavelan chipset (rev 01). I would post error messages but they are 
rather lengthy to type and I do not have networking so cut/paste is not an 

Is it possible that loading the ibm_acpi module could break my networking? Any 

> Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2008 18:16:32 -0500
> To:
> Subject: Re: Wireless still broken after fresh install
> On Sun, 3 Feb 2008 14:05:23 -0900
> Dallas Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The network-manager-gnome applet is showing a red circle with a line 
> > through it and it will not give me wireless, even though networks are 
> > detected in the list. Previously wireless worked flawlessly after 
> > installation. I would suspect a hardware issue but I have no trouble using 
> > wireless after booting in XP (my emergency partition).
> We need diagnostic / error messages; use command line tools.  Output of
> 'iwlist $YOUR_INTERFACE scan', 'iwconfig', ifconfig, etc
> > The machine is a ThinkPad T30 2.0ghz with 512mb RAM.
> We need information such as the wireless chipset, driver used, dmesg
> output, etc
> Celejar
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