On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 21:59:57 +0200
Pierre Haessig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> For a couple of weeks (probably after an update as I'm using testing) I
> cannot setup the luminosity of my HP laptop's screen : the dedicated key
> combinations ("Fn" + F7 and "Fn" + F8) don't do their job anymore. I
> suspect they are intercepted somehow by a program (I'm using gnome 2.18
> and xorg 7.3) but my knowledge of X key binding is very poor. I didn't
> find a similar problem with google. Still I particulary suspect gnome
> because it can usefully intercept for example "Fn" + F3 (= "www" key
> recognize by gnome as "0xb2") to launch iceweasel. 
> Does anyone have some  clue to enable these keys once again ?

Interesting; on my Acer Aspire 3690, the Fn key isn't seen at all by X,
AFAICT; it doesn't show up in xev, either by itself or in combination
with other keys (the other keys simply appear as themselves).  Of
course, Acer isn't HP. 

> Thank you for your answers and please forget my english mistakes.
>               Pierre H.

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