Am 2007-07-31 22:50:23, schrieb Bob Proulx:
> In a similar way I recommend and have always
> had good experiences with them.  They have a system database that is
> quite extensive.
> However looking there just now I see that they list the 570 as having
> only one slot with 64MB as onboard non-removable memory.  According to
> the IBM docs here the maximum memory for the slot is 128 MB for a
> total of 192 MB.
> If you actually have the 570 E model the maximum for the one available
> slot is either 256 MB for a maximum of either 320 MB.
> Here is a useful ThinkWiki link:

Yeah, the "570E" would be a 450/500 MHz CPU...
I have the 366MHz one which is definitivly the "570"

Domage... but now I have the Maintenance Guide as PDF...

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

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