On Sun, 13 May 2007 12:35:50 +0200
Gerard Robin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I installed ekiga, linphone, kphone, twinkle  on my laptop and only 
> twinkle works approximatively well:
> I can reach a correspondant and converse with him but often twinkle
> freeze ;-)
> Has someone found a good solution for SIP phone ?
> Tanks for some advices.
> my laptop acer aspire 5102 
> I use unstable (the 1:1.0-3 version of twinkle is in unstable)
> uname -r: 2.6.18-4-amd64

I'm using Etch - Ekiga works great for me. I talk to other Ekiga users
and to Windows people who are using Gizmo. You might try Gizmo - there
is now a 3.0 Beta version for Linux in a .deb package.


> -- 
> GĂ©rard

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