On 07/05/07, Eduard Bloch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Gérard,
> yes, I also tried to compile fglrx-kernel-src with linux 2.6.20: as
> far as I know that package isn't supposed to work with linux 2.6.20,
> but only with linux 2.6.18 (and it's likely the same for the alsa
> source).
> You have to downgrade your kernel or use the upstream source code.

You can get replacement packages for Debian out from the upstream installer and install 
them with "dpkg -i", IIRC with ./installername.run --buildpkg Debian/etch or 
so. See its help for details.

Just a note. The official Debian package has some modifications wrt
the upstream package, so you won't see a few fixes.

See the contents of the debian/patches/ directory in the source
package of fglrx in experimental.

After that you should be able to install m-a as intended.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein

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