Hello List,

I have a problem regarding procmail. I use mutt and fetchmail (which I set
up using advises from this list :)) to retrieve my email from gmail. It
works fine and I have several filters on procmail to order my mail in
several folders.
If I use procmail while retrieving my mail, filtering works fine. But I also
have a mailbox which has already several hundred messages I want to sort
using the filters from procmail.
Here is the problem: I did'nt find a way to launch procmail on an existing
filled mailbox when not retriving the mail at the same time.

I looked into options and man pages, but this option does not seem to exist.

In clear, I want be able to make something like:
procmail .procmail/debian-list.rc Mail/inbox

where debian-list;rc is the filter rule and inbox the inbox on which to
apply the filter.

Is that even possible using procmail? If yes, what options do I have to use?

Thanks a lot



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