Out of the box Debian 4.0 works well. Install was a breeze. Suspend and resume will work with open drivers.

With open source nv driver DPMS will not blank the screen (nvidia does). A nasty white smudging starts creeping over the screen. Reproduce this with lid switch or DPMS event (xorg setting or using xset)

With nvidia resume will fail. The machine will attempt to resume only to end up with a mostly black screen and a complete hardware hang. I know this is not a Debian issue and much more likely to be the driver. If only nvidia went open source. Am going to look into some patches (but they are old) http://www.loria.fr/~thome/d600/ <http://www.loria.fr/%7Ethome/d600/> and take a look at suspend2. I have compiled 2.6.20 kernel and setup NvAGP instead of agpgart without making any difference. Gentoo has a great article on 8600 http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_Get_Suspend_To_RAM_working_on_a_Dell_Inspiron_8600c_laptop

Other Niggles:
xorg didn't do a bad job on screen, but the mouse is setup all wrong and synaptics need configuring (or commenting) to work properly.

Volume controls don't work

Any other experiences with Dell laptops and suspend, preferable the successful ones, I would love to here from you.

Dan Phillips

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